Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record of Counterattacks - C.2789: The Holy War Was Now Inevitable


Ning Shu had just arrived back at the manor when someone told her she had to go to see Darlene.

Ning Shu carried her suitcase and went to find Darlene. frёewebnoѵel.ʈoą¹“

Walking into the room, Ning Shu smelled a strong stench of blood and medicine.

She saw Darlene lying on the bed. One of her arms was gone.

Ning Shu hurriedly put her suitcase down. She walked to Darleneā€™s side and asked, ā€œHow did this happen?ā€

Darleneā€™s face was pale. Even her lips seemed devoid of blood.

ā€œA vampire caught me off guard,ā€ Darlene said.

ā€œDid you encounter an awakened third-generation vampire?ā€ Ning Shu asked again.

Considering Darleneā€™s strength, an ordinary vampire wouldnā€™t have been able to mangle Darlene like this.

Darlene herself was capable of wielding light magic.

She was the one who cast magic, creating the holy water that the blood hunter order used.

Other than a third-generation vampire, Ning Shu couldnā€™t think of any other existence that could harm Darlene.

Darlene weakly nodded. She had encountered a newly awakened third-generation vampire and failed to stop them.

The holy war was now inevitable.

ā€œSend an email to the heads of state and governments under my name. Tell them whatā€™s happened and warn them to prepare for whatā€™s coming,ā€ Darlene instructed.

Ning Shu nodded. She saw a laptop on the table and turned it on.

Ning Shu typed the email as Darlene dictated the content, then sent the email out.

Ning Shu looked at where Darleneā€™s arm had been. The missing arm would have a big impact on her strength.

Ning Shu held Darleneā€™s other hand and gave her some spiritual energy. She said, ā€œGet better soon. The blood hunter order needs you.ā€

Darlene looked at Ning Shu and said, ā€œWhile I recover from my injuries, please take care of the blood hunter order on my behalf.ā€

Ning Shu nodded.

Darlene had lost a lot of blood; she closed her eyes to rest.

Ning Shu stared at Darleneā€™s wrapped shoulder. Her whole arm had been torn out from her body. Considering the situation at the time, Darlene couldnā€™t receive proper medical attention quickly enough.

How painful must it have been, to have oneā€™s arm ripped off like that?

Although Darlene was a blood hunter, rather than saying she endured this for the blood hunter order, it was more that she endured this all for the sake of humankind.

There was no right and wrong to this, only the matter of survival.

Vampires believed that they were superior to humans, and thus wanted to enslave humankind as laborers and food sources.

It was just like how humans enslaved livestock.

If humankind wanted to survive this, theyā€™d have to put up a resistance.

However, who knew how many people would have to sacrifice their lives for this resistance?

It was all for the sake of survival.

Ning Shu tucked Darlene in and carried the laptop and her suitcase out.

She sent out an announcement that blood hunters were to stop taking individual missions.

Since every governed country had now gotten the news, theyā€™d definitely implement new measures and have some sort of cooperation with the military bodies of each of these countries.

It was no longer possible for humankind to rely on the blood hunters alone.

Even if these countries dumped more money on the blood hunter order, the blood hunters couldnā€™t stop what was coming for them alone.

Ning Shu returned to her room and opened the laptop.

She had received quite a few emails. The email that she had sent out was getting replies.

Many of these replies complained about how the blood hunter order couldnā€™t solve a small matter like this, despite having received so much money from them.

Basically, ā€˜What was the need for such an organization like yours to exist if you couldnā€™t even solve this?ā€™

Ning Shu: ā€¦

If they had the ability to go toe-to-toe with a vampire, then they should go do it themselves.

What was the point of wasting so many words here?

Ning Shuā€™s reply was simply: Take it or leave it.

In any case, she already warned them.

A blood hunterā€™s life was still a human life. No matter what, they couldnā€™t be expected to just throw away blood hunter lives.

The military had advanced weapons which would probably help with dealing with the vampires.

Ning Shu took the opportunity to ask some of the countries for advanced, cutting-edge military technologies.

It took a lot of haggling until they relented and agreed to give them some.

The blood hunter order did have guns and ammunition, but these were of little use when one was facing a vampire.

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The attributes of the weapons needed to be effective against vampires.

MTL Editor: Ran

