Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record of Counterattacks - C.2802: A Time Ordinance Stone


Ning Shu stared at the ruby ring and asked, ā€œWhat is it?ā€

The source of this cšØntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

ā€œThe ruby in this ring should be a time ordinance stone. Those destructive rays were time attacks.

ā€œThe ordinance of time is the most terrifying ordinance of all. No one can stop the passage of time. It doesnā€™t matter how powerful a person is. It doesnā€™t matter how glorious their deeds are. Everything will fade away in the long river of time.

ā€œThe time attack would make anything it touched instantly experience tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands even, of years. People would vanish into smoke as a result. Nothing can resist time.ā€

When Ning Shu heard this, she was so scared that she nearly threw away the ring.

How can anything exist for tens, even hundreds, of thousands of years?

Anything that was hit by the ray would be annihilated by time.

ā€œWhat about this red rose?ā€

ā€œThere are always exceptions to everything,ā€ 2333 said. ā€œThis red rose is probably unaffected by the effects of time.ā€

Ning Shu took the red rose from her ear and smelled it. No wonder it was able to stay so vividly and freshly red.

No matter what, these two things were both good things to have.

ā€œPut these two things away,ā€ Ning Shu said to 2333.

Sheā€™d entered into a treasure mountain; how could she return empty-handed? She had to collect everything she could.

Ning Shu moved her body and saw that her fire yang energy was still searing Perryā€™s body.

The third-generation vampires were truly such powerful creatures. How could Perry actually suck the blood of one of them? It really made no sense.

Was it the main lead halo? Now that sheā€™d defeated Perry, did that mean that she was more powerful than the third-generation vampire?


Ning Shu laughed so hard she started coughing. She hammered her chest and continued to wait for Perry to completely turn to dust.

Vampire blood could make mortals immortal.

In turn, powerful vampire blood could make weak vampires stronger and could also purify the blood in their bodies, thus making an ordinary vampire develop towards the direction of an elite vampire.

Touro came and gave his phone to Ning Shu. He said, ā€œThe leader called and asked about the situation.ā€

ā€œItā€™s fine,ā€ Ning Shu said, ā€œyou can report everything to Darlene.ā€

ā€œSheā€™s worried about you. Iā€™m giving the phone to you because she wants to hear your voice.ā€

Ning Shu took the phone and spoke to Darlene. She told Darlene that everything was settled here, and the blood hunter order was fine for now.

Darlene was still injured, and her voice was weak as she told Ning Shu to be careful.

Darlene hung up the call, and Ning Shu returned the phone to Touro.

Perryā€™s body had still not completely burned out yet. Ning Shu stood on the side to impatiently wait, and wait, and waitā€¦

Such a powerful and unbelievable life force was beyond the reach of human beings.

Ning Shu decided to take out the ruby ring. She wanted to decimate him with the destructive ray.

However, she didnā€™t know how to use the ruby ring.

Ning Shu was a little afraid to use the ruby ring. If she accidentally hit herself with its ray, sheā€™d disappear into the long river of history.

It was so scary.

Ning Shu carefully injected a little spiritual energy into the ring, just like she did when using the red rose.

Ning Shu pointed the ring at Perryā€™s corpse and silently chanted in her heart. Shoot! Shoot him, shoot him! Kill him!

For a moment, there was no reaction from the ruby ring. The next second, however, it shot out a time attack.

In one fell swoop, Perryā€™s corpse was annihilated, along with the powerful third-generation vampireā€™s blood.

Ning Shu inhaled sharply. This thing was truly terrifyingā€¦

The ordinance law stone was still only a stone, though.

If a person had mastered the ordinance of time, they could freeze time or make it fly by ten thousand years at a glance.

They could even rewind time.

It was powerful beyond f*cking belief.

This ring was a completely invisible killing weapon!

MTL Editor: Ran

