Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~ - C.353.1: Sytry’s Strategy ⑥Feb 26, 2024


New n𝙤vel chapters are published on 𝒇𝓻𝒆𝒆𝔀𝒆𝓫𝙣𝓸𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝓬𝓸𝓶

And then, the day of the battle arrived, even if I was hoping in vain that a big storm would come and postpone the battle. I wonder how many times I have been to a major battle. If I include those in which I was unknowingly involved, I am sure I have been in more than ten.

I wake up in a clean bed and get dressed while holding back my feeling of wanting to throw up. I wash my face, eat the food that was prepared for me, and change my clothes.

Including the Barrier Rings, I have equipped my usual set of Relic. I am wondering if I should wear my Perfect Vacation, but decided against it. It is partly because I felt threatened by Serenes strange behavior, but the main reason I am not wearing it is because I forgot to retrieve the Relic from Serene. Why am I always like this

With Mimic-kun in tow, I head to the entrance of Yggdra, where we will meet the others. By the time I arrive, all the members are already there.

It seems like this time, no one collapsed like last time during Lukes curse lifting operation. Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei), Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai), Night Parade (Hyakki Yako) and Yggdras Magi. There is a *piripiri* sense of tension that is typical before going into a major battle.

I had a good nights rest, but the other members probably spent the morning getting ready. Everyone seems to be full of enthusiasm, even though we are about to engage in a dangerous operation.

All of them except me are undeniably talented people. Normally, I should feel honored to be able to fight alongside them, but I cant get excited as I am the only one with trash abilities. novelbuddy .com

You didnt have to wait for me. This time, the main focus is on Sytry and the others. (Cry)

I say this half-heartedly. I had heard the general gist of Sytrys strategy.

Simply put, my role is to keep the Phantoms gaze fixed on me while Sytry and the others activate the Mana Materials Stirring Device. It is a dangerous job, but since all I have to do is run away from the Phantoms, it is probably a hundred times better than being forced to carry a device that I dont know if I can activate myself. If all I have to do is to run away, then it is business as usual.

Sytry greets me with great enthusiasm today as well.

Good morning, Cry-san! Please dont say such sad things, and let us fight together at least in the beginning. Besides, if Cry-san is here, everyone will be more motivated! (Sytry)

I wonder what kind of system they have in place for them to be motivated when I am there. Everyone indeed seems very motivated, but this has nothing to do with me.

There, Sytrys expression turns somewhat uneasy.

By the way Are you sure you dont want to take a Mana Materials Stirring Device with you? We can reduce ours and allocate it to you (Sytry)

Apparently, Sytry really wants me to work more. I unintentionally sigh.

Even if you give me something dangerous like a Mana Materials Stirring Device, I wouldnt know how to use it, and it seems like there arent enough of them in the first place. It would be troublesome to have something so precious forced on me.

I dont need it, I dont need it. I have my own way of doing things. I have already made a lot of preparations for this. Besides, wouldnt it be bad if we allocate equipment on my side and a problem arises on your side? (Cry)

Just in case, I made an additional one. Please use it if you like. (Sytry)

Thank you. Well, I dont need it, but I guess I can use it if something happens. (Cry)

Use it even if nothing happens, desu. Yowaningen, you are taking too much liberty, desu! (Kruz)

So you have prepared one, huuuh The device is valuable, so it would have been better if they put it to good use, but it cant be helped. Well, this time I have a plan.

It is alright. I pleaded to them sincerely and they agreed to help. (Cry)

?? Pl Pleaded? (Sytry)

Dogeza is also surprisingly useful. It might not be an exaggeration to call it my special move.

Well, dont worry about me and do what you need to do! The success of the strategy is up to you, and I will do my best, but it is pretty doubtful that it will work out on my part, so move with the assumption that I will fail. Dont forget that what I am doing is just to provide a little bit of support. (Cry)

Just in case, I would like to remind you not to expect too much from me. It would be a disaster if the operation fails because they have expectations of me, and I think Sytry tends to give me too much credit.

Sytry is silent for a while, digesting what I said, but then she nods strongly and says.

A little bit of support, is it I understand. Then we will proceed according to the plan. Everyone, this is the moment of truth! (Sytry)

Come to think of it, I havent heard the details of Sytry and the others strategy Well, whatever. There is nothing I can do anyway. I am sure it will be fine even if my incompetence causes trouble for Sytry and the others if I tell them this much in advance.

We all proceed in formation along a narrow path through the forest. The sky is covered with thick clouds and with the sunlight hardly reaching inside the forest, the forest is so dimly lit that it feels ominous.

When I lightly look up, I can see the gigantic World Tree. Even though our destination is quite far from the World Tree.

The map we receive in advance has already this time defense points marked on it.

There are eight points in total, each marked with the team in charge of it, and they are lined up horizontally in the South right in front of the Treasure Shrine. Perhaps this line of marks will become a new path for the Mana Materials. There are no markings on the North side. Seems like they completely trust me. Even if I am not helpful, I have to at least try not to get in the way.

There was no conversation along the way. There was just a *piripiri* tense atmosphere in the air. No Monsters are attacking us, so is it the calm before the storm?

And then, we arrived safely at our first destination without being attacked once.

The trees are sparse and the space is a bit open. I dont know if it is easy to protect, but at least visibility is clear, and there is a spring with clear water nearby. Maybe the power of a Water Spirit can be fully demonstrated in a place like this.

Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka) , Miles please. (Serene)

Cry-san, please take out the device. (Sytry)

Fuh Leave it to me! (Cry)

Since Mimic-kun is here, I think it is okay for me to be in charge of carrying the tools from now on, right? I feel like that is the best way for me to play an active role. The problem is that Mimic-kun can be used by anyone.

As I am told, I ask Mimic-kun to take out Miles and the device.

The Mana Material Stirring Device is the strangest device I have ever seen.

It looks like a thin spiral glass tube. It is narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, giving it the appearance of a funnel at first glance. The bottom part is a small glass box with a place to fit the power supply. This is the culmination of Sytrys research and something strange because it has the extremely dangerous power to disrupt Mana Materials.

The size is two meters high. And is it about a meter wide? This is close to the limit of what Mimic-kuns mouth can hold.

Miles seems to be paler in color than the last time I saw it. It had been evacuated to avoid losing its mind again due to the Mana Materials, but it seems to be in much better shape.

It looks like a gigantic steamed bun, *kirakira* sparkling and transparent, and is looking at Serene with its round eyes.

This time, Serene seems to be defending one of the devices with Miles. Serene faces her Guardian Spirit and has a dignified expression that is hard to believe considering how she looks when she is comfortable. Ruin stands in front of Miles and calls out respectfully.

It has been a long time, Miles. Thank you very much for protecting Yggdra. It is an honor to fight alongside you again. (Ruin)

When Miles sees Ruin, it begins to make a sound similar to a bell. It must be using Spirit language, and as always I still have no idea what it is saying. Ruin listens to what it says for a while with a serious look, then speaks in a hushed voice.

I do not know. This battle will probably be the biggest one yet. The other side is too powerful. However, this time it is not just the people of Yggdra, there are also members of different species and brethren who parted away long ago. We even have a strategy. We will do our utmost. On the pride of the spirit peoplePlease lend us your strength. (Ruin)

I dont know what they are talking about, but they sure are motivated Personally, I dont think I have that much motivation even if it is for the future 100 years from now, even if it is for Luke.

Ruin suddenly looks at me. They have crimson eyes that burn quietly. Then, Miles, who has been facing Ruin until then, moves in front of me.

With a sound like the tinkling of a bell, its body began to glow with a tinkling light. The wind is blowing. Even though I am an insensitive person, I can feel a huge presence. Spirits are a kind of transcendent beings. It is said that beings who have accumulated especially great power are sometimes called gods.

I smile and *unun* nod for a while, but halfway through, it starts to feel tiresome.

To begin with, I feel like all of this trouble started when I encountered Miles, who had lost his mind. Of course, I am not going to complain now, but if you think about it calmly, isnt it cruel to talk to someone in a language they dont understand and get their agreement? I know it is my fault for nodding even though I didnt understand but you know! The moment the bell goes off, I smile and say honestly.

Haha I have no idea what you are talking about. (Cry)

!? (Ruin)

Miles movements, which had been bobbing up and down, suddenly stop completely, and Ruin, Lucia, and the others gasp. Apparently, Magi can generally understand Spirit language

Well, at the end of the dayNo matter what happens, we just have to do our best. We are fully prepared, and Sytrys plan is (probably) perfect. I will do my part, so you take care of Serene! (Cry)

Thanks for reading! And thank you Jacopo and Satria for the ko-fi! Cry talking without understanding anything but still having a conversation reminds me of Lelouch playing a video while predicting what Schizel will say in Code Geass. And looks like the curses agreed to help Cry. Finally the scenario of Cry fighting with the curses is becoming real!

